The Intercept™ suite of XGS PON ONTs provide a versatile and flexible portfolio of customer premise equipment for residential FTTx applications.

The Intercept™ suite of XGS-PON
XGS PON Optical Network Terminals
Supporting multiple OLT vendor ecosystems, the Intercept Optical Network Terminal (ONT) lineup includes solutions for 1 G, 2.5 G and 10 G XGSPON and EPON in a variety of form factors and functionality options for a successful and economical deployment of PON services as well as backhaul, WiFi and POTS. Intercept™ Open PON solutions provide maximum flexibility and interoperability with widely deployed OLT vendors as well as Intercept™ rOLT EDGe hardware platform optimized for Tibit™ Microplug OLTs and Open PON ecosystems.
Multi Vendor ONT Interoperability
Multi vendor ONT interoperability ensures superior operational reliability and availability. The Intercept™ ONT suite is designed for superior product support and consistent reliability and availability across the entire portfolio, delivering the maximum economic benefit of Open PON systems without compromising the advantages of end to end interoperability with legacy OLT and management platforms.